Intelligent Pipeline Integrity Monitoring System (iPIM)

iPIM is a pipeline monitoring system comprised of a moving robotic mechanism and a permanently installed network of sensors that will continuously monitor the pipeline for cracks, corrosion and other faults and send the information over a wireless communication system to the network monitoring centre where the fault will be displayed over a 3D map of the pipeline.
The sensors are installed onto the permanent structure either on new pipelines or can be retrofitted to old ones at areas of interest. It will accurately locate, measure and monitor corrosion and cracks over long distances at critical control points and with sufficient sensitivity and resolution to catch and monitor defects before critical fault can occur.
The system is based around low power, self-energised long range and wireless sensor nodes, which harvest energy from various sources to suit local environmental conditions.
This installed system accumulates pipeline structural health data over time. When it identifies a threshold of potential threat/s to the structure it will signal the need for an inspection of particular areas. In that event, the robotic mechanism or Pipeline Inspection Gauge (PIG) is deployed. For more information on the PIG click here.